Saturday, November 29, 2014

      When I was still a child, I already began dedicating myself to English language. From collecting words (like the longest word, hard to spell words and such), to reading books upon books (mountains of them actually) for the purpose of quenching my thirst for illiteracy. Because I believe that this language is very powerful for it not only conveys intention and purpose but feelings and emotions as well.
        We all know that English is the universal language, it is a very common fact to most people to the point of being clichéd but I believe that, that is not the only reason why we should affluent ourselves to said language. In our day-to-day activities and other menial tasks, English language is ever present. In Education may it be Science or Math or Social Studies; In Commerce such as making businesses and mergers and transactions; In Tourism most especially, all around the world you can’t meet a single person who at least doesn’t know meager English. Now we see why English proficiency is very much badly needed. English language had served as a liaison for alliances and World Peace. English language had made it possible for love and communication exist throughout the different countries and races around the world. With all of this, through English language, people’s hearts and minds are connected, no matter how thin of a thread it may be.
        As little as other people English may seem to be, I love English language. Words can’t describe how much more I would like to learn from it , like the classics of Shakespeare, Forster, Bennette, Austen and the Bronte sisters, as well as the contemporary works of Rowling, Riordan, Green, Meyer and Sparks. I feel as though with all of the things that I seek, time seems to fly so fast. But all I can say is that I will pour my body, mind, heart and soul for the sole purpose of my passion, English.

HeForShe Campaign: My say for Gender Equality

 Equal rights and equal opportunities is a very vast area, it can refer to equal human rights, equality before the law, equal civil rights and many other more. But in this case, I would like to talk more about Women’s Rights and Gender equality.
I was always a firm believer of the strength of females in general. As a matter of fact, I am very proud to say that I am a feminist myself.
 Being a feminist does not necessarily mean that women are more superior to men, nor are we man-haters, rather it is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.
           In the old days, women were expected to stay at home and tend to her children. Women were expected stay quiet about decisions and choices while men's words are absolute. Women were expected to stay in the shadows back then. Sadly, up until now some women are still treated this way. Some even get abused for talking back. Not just physically, but even women who were lead to believe that they are inferior to men is one form of abuse and is against gender equality.
          Why are women treated this way? Why can't they have the same rights men do? Why must they feel inferior to the harsh reality called gender equality? These must be some of the questions that would forever make us ponder but never fully answered. But who says we can't start searching for answers now?
 The movement for gender equality was originally conceived as a struggle led only by women for women. In recent years, men have begun to stand up in addressing inequalities and discrimination faced by women and girls.
           If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.
  Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.
  If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be free.
         When I was given this topic, I was very glad because this is one of the advocacies that I could consider myself active on for quite a while now and I am fairly well versed for this particular topic. I am firm believer and a member of UN Ambassador of Women Equality, Emma Watson's HeforShe Campaign and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to support our campaign and fight against gender equality!
           HeforShe is not about man-hating or women superiority. It's about freedom.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

       I have passed feeling the obnoxious excitement with relates to sports events. Long ago, I was once a player myself as a part of a team in volleyball who competed in the regionals. Having to feel the thrill coursing through your veins in the anticipation of facing a strong opponent, having to feel that madly beating heartbeat of not only myself but with the rest of my team mates resembling that of an elephant's parading and having to feel that unexplainable joy and elateness when having been able to win against a specially strong opponent. I mean that is what Intramurals supposed to mean isn't it?
      It is as if people nowadays treat Intramurals as a means of  having been able to get away from studies and watch different sports matches. That may be partly correct, yes. But for me Intramurals is not a day only for the athletes but also for us battle spectators to feel the same thrill that they are going through. Unfortunately, it was like we had our own different worlds with some watching the games, some participating in the booths set up by the different clubs and organizations of the school, and some seems to be not giving a care at all. Add to that, the disastrous second day full of black skies and harsh angry howls of the winds of Super typhoon Mario.

It is not a bad thing to actually try something new and enjoy ourselves while at it but I think Intramurals should be treated with more respect by actually being able to connect with one another through the use of the central piece: sports. 
       I once read something in one of the books of Nicholas Sparks that teachers, they inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it. To be different, I would like to fill this entry with something not about the usual gratitude that we all feel for them, not about having to see them as our stepping stones, not about seeing them as our molders or someone to lean on, but someone, someone who is just there, a hero.
       Throughout our younger years, who would break childish fights between us pupils? Who would wait for our parents to take us home from school? Who would see to it that everybody is well and present just upon entering the pristine walls of the school? Who would it be but our dearest teachers?
I've spent my younger years thanking them, apologizing to them and wishing something from them relating all about our education. Intellectually, yes, the chances are nil that we would be half of what we are today without our teachers. Imagine that, not knowing how to read, how to count, basically just not knowing how to survive. But what we are missing is behind all the technicalities, the patience, understanding and care that they shower upon us is just as much as all the lessons we've learned from them. And I can tell that beyond all the stiff and disciplinary methods, lies a heart full of compassion that wants us to be better and to be  stronger individual.

       I would bow to you teachers like the Japanese do, or salute you in terms of military ways, but still I thank you for without you, I wouldn't be half the person as I am today, intellectually and a person as a whole.
       As we all now, we celebrate the Science Festival every September of the year. Naturally it depicts the use of Science to further help our nation and actually aims to include us youth nowadays as well. This year's theme is about, "IMMUNATION: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defenses towards National Wellness."
       The group PSYC, explained the rational of the theme which is about how it is a play on words on ammunition and immunization. They wanted science clubbers to be armed/ to be immune against diseases through imparting knowledge about disease, how they spread, etc and they aimed not only the science clubbers that benefit from this knowledge but also their school and communities and thus leading to national wellness.
       Even with the explanation, one could say how difficult it must be to internalize and truly understand the theme. But upon reading between the lines, I found quite easier to understand, and I found what simple but heavy meaning it ought to impart to all of us.

In verbatim, ammunition means a material for use in attacking or defending a position, while immunization is to give (someone) a vaccine to prevent infection by a disease. Ostensibly, when we further play with words, we could conjur something like immunity defense or screen immunity and whatnot. The main point is, with the two of them combined, the meaning in actuality deepens and for the lack of better words levels up. To have words like arming, defenses, and natural wellness backing it up, it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a deduction that the message behind the theme is all about guarding, fighting and living life the best way we can.
       Superman, Wonder woman, Iron Man, and Spider man- they are the icons who first and foremost come into people's minds when we speak about heroes. How do you define a hero? Or rather, at does it even take to be a hero? Does it require one to have superpowers and super strengths and super flying skills or such? Does it require one who would recklessly jump into the face of arduous danger to save mankind? Or does it require one to have the passion to do hard work and push to overcome many boundaries and limitations wholeheartedly? Even with all of these "requirements", there is but only ONE hero for me. And that is none other than my beloved family.
       My father may not have super strength like Superman, but he is my hero because he ensures that I could safely get to and from school everyday, because he gives me all the reason to work hard and be a better person and because he imparts all the lessons for me to feel contented with what I have, and what I am today.He is like a fortress that I could hold on to if ever I'm in need, like a stronghold perhaps.My mother is not a flyer like Wonder woman but she assists me every morning for me to get to school, she worries for me when I get sick, from morning until dawn, still, she's there for me every time I couldn't sleep. She's an all around worker, I just can't help but wonder how she could do all that so flittingly.Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man has his riches and his super armor, my brother doesn't have all that but he started to work early and somehow even help our family financially, he is my confidante with my more informal activities and he is so overprotective over me to the point of resembling and armor engulfing myself.

       My reasons may come out as little things but that is why they became my heroes in the first place. Those little things containing more love and care and compassion. I would become a hero myself who will weave and sew all these little things as long as I can, to the best way I can because I'm going to be your friendly little neighbor, Spider man! Or is it Spider girl?
       Ngayong Buwan ng Wika 2014, ibinabandera ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) ang halaga ng wikang Filipino bilang wikang nagbubuklod sa bansa. Filipino: Wika ng Pagkakaisa ang tema ng pagdiriwang ngayong taon na magtatampok ng mga gawaing pangwika at pangkultura na pangungunahan ng KWF sa buong bansa.
       Sa pamamagitan ng pagsusulat o pagsasalita, ang wika ang pinakamabisang paraan upang maihatid ang kaisipan at mapanatili sa madaling hakbang ang kasaysayan at tala ng sinaunang Pilipino. Sa ganitong pagkakataon, malalaman ng mga kasalukuyang mamamayan ang mga hakbangin na ginawa noong una upang maituloy ito sa mabuting paraan at maiwasan ang mga hindi magagandang pangyayari noon. Ito ang ilaw na magiging tanglaw ng mga Filipino upang mapabuti pa ang mga gawain. Ito rin ang magsisilbing lakas upang maisakatuparan ang mga naudlot na pangarap noong simula pa.

Malinaw na ang wika ay isang mahalagang kasangkapan na ginagamit upang maiparating ang mga nasasaloob na ideya at damdamin ng isang tao. Hindi lamang ito isang paraan ng pakikipag-usap niya sa kapwa kundi ginagamit din niya upang makipagkaibigan, makipagtalakayan at maibahagi ang kanyang iba't ibang opinyon at kaisipan. Sa buong kasaysayan, maraming mga bagay, sitwasyon at pangyayari na tumutukoy sa kahalagahan ng wika sa mga tao, sa kanyang kapaligiran at higit lalo na sa kanyang bansa.Dapat Nating Gamitin ito..

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

a new side of a reaction


        A great deal of responses and reactions came last July 28 as it saw President Benigno Simeon Aquino III’s Fifth State of the Nation Address. That ranging from praises upon praises to rejections upon rejections. What I would like to point out though is (excuse me for the lack of better words), “Why bother?” A very vague question but it tackles a direct point of my side which is neutrality. There would always be those people who would stand up and clap their hands in admiration. They are the ones I would call the “satisfied side” for they only seem to see the good points. And there would always be those people who would seek each and every hole and drill you with it. I would call them the “unsatisfied side” for they seem to only see the bad points instead. BUT in my case, I would choose to be on the “open side”, choose to voice out my own thoughts and choose to accept EVERYTHING.

         Many would fall under the “satisfied side” of the reaction like: “……how successful the discussed matters were like the economy, education, public workd and many more.” We could see here glowing reactions, words like “best” and “outstanding” stating how PNOY was able to address ALL major issues affecting our country in his speech. In retrospect, from what he had stated, there are many accomplishments his administration had achieved during his term such as the improving of the education sector and the commencement of several public infrastracture projects, the funds going to the places they are supposed to go, new weaponry and arsenal for soldiers and pollice officers alike and many other more. Showers of achievements are indeed marked on this side of the reaction.

           “He should intend to make ordinary Filipinos feel the effects of the economic growth that his administration is touting”, “It is lacking in substance,” are only a couple of qoutes from different people on the “unsatisfied side” of the reaction. Points like how he failed to addresses the matter about the Freedom of Information. There are many comparisons between the current and the former administration. The jabs between the sinner and sinned are very frequent thus the process of righting the wrong is already something akin to revenge.

            People from the "satisfied side" would berate the "unsatisfied side" as to how PNOY is only a person and that he is hurting from all the bad criticisms he received but then the opposite side would only rebut that as a president, he should have been ready for such reactions in this kind of work. Rebuttals upon rebuttals each side would throw. It is such an endless cycle, like going through circles which brings me back to my earlier question "Why bother?" I am sure a lot of people would beg to differ. Yes, we should bother for it is our lives they are governing. Yes we should bother because the future of our country lies in his very hands.But my point is we shouldn't get worked up with our ideals to the point of disorder. My point is that all these rebuttals are turning us into condescending people in the process.And my point is that we all have different minds and personalities so it's only natural to have varying thoughts. I'm tired of having only the "positive" and the "negative" sides of a reaction so this is my personal insight of President Aquino's State of the Nation Address.

"Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use it, it will be measured to you."

Seeing as I was pointing out different reactions to the SONA to reason my point, to steer clear of any possibily of being accused as a plagiarist, the websites below are my references:'s-fourth-state-of-the-nation-address/

Monday, June 30, 2014

letter to the president voicing one's pleas

July 1, 2014
His Graciousness, Mr. Benigno Simeon Aquino III
President, Republic of the Philippines

Mr. President:
             Greetings Sir. Due to your outstanding hard-work and indispensable conscientiousness, your current term as our president has brought our country to great heights. Many a lot of your projects had greatly helped our country on varying aspects of life particularly with the wellness and safety of our community. You had been through A lot of difficulties such as the havoc wreaked by the super typhoon Yolanda; the current PDAF scam; and a great deal of other obstacles but you obstinately held on and proceeded forward for our country, For that, you have our deepest gratitude for without your steadfast guidance, the state of our country wouldn't be such as it is now.
              Addressing you as a senior high school student, I would like to take this opportunity to voice out my concerns regarding the K-12 program. Actually, our generation is the last batch of the BEC (Basic Education Curriculum), the previous learning program, but I couldn't help but be alarmed on the future convenience of my fellow schoolmates and underclassmen. our school, Ilocos Sur National High School, is a public school with a much too more number of students with a quite disproportionate amount of school facilities, school resources and other learning materials, what more if there would be additional years or in this case grades. As to that, my concern would be applicable for other schools in our country for many other schools nationwide experience our dilemma as well. I am very positive about an act already set for this particular topic but with all due respect Sir, the flow of actions isn't as incessant as we would like it to be. An immediate and accurate response would be greatly appreciated Sir.
                 Our hopes and aspirations are in your hands Mr. President, especially us youth nowadays for we are in the part of our lives where we are in need of proper guidance and firm tutelage. I would like to put my expectations in the midst of the anticipation for you to hear our pleas. Seeing your compassion to alleviate our distress with your advocacy for the righteous way, I am very hopeful that our request would be ascertained.

Respectfully yours,
Maria Catrina T. Abat
4th Year SSC Student
Ilocos Sur National High School