Monday, June 30, 2014

letter to the president voicing one's pleas

July 1, 2014
His Graciousness, Mr. Benigno Simeon Aquino III
President, Republic of the Philippines

Mr. President:
             Greetings Sir. Due to your outstanding hard-work and indispensable conscientiousness, your current term as our president has brought our country to great heights. Many a lot of your projects had greatly helped our country on varying aspects of life particularly with the wellness and safety of our community. You had been through A lot of difficulties such as the havoc wreaked by the super typhoon Yolanda; the current PDAF scam; and a great deal of other obstacles but you obstinately held on and proceeded forward for our country, For that, you have our deepest gratitude for without your steadfast guidance, the state of our country wouldn't be such as it is now.
              Addressing you as a senior high school student, I would like to take this opportunity to voice out my concerns regarding the K-12 program. Actually, our generation is the last batch of the BEC (Basic Education Curriculum), the previous learning program, but I couldn't help but be alarmed on the future convenience of my fellow schoolmates and underclassmen. our school, Ilocos Sur National High School, is a public school with a much too more number of students with a quite disproportionate amount of school facilities, school resources and other learning materials, what more if there would be additional years or in this case grades. As to that, my concern would be applicable for other schools in our country for many other schools nationwide experience our dilemma as well. I am very positive about an act already set for this particular topic but with all due respect Sir, the flow of actions isn't as incessant as we would like it to be. An immediate and accurate response would be greatly appreciated Sir.
                 Our hopes and aspirations are in your hands Mr. President, especially us youth nowadays for we are in the part of our lives where we are in need of proper guidance and firm tutelage. I would like to put my expectations in the midst of the anticipation for you to hear our pleas. Seeing your compassion to alleviate our distress with your advocacy for the righteous way, I am very hopeful that our request would be ascertained.

Respectfully yours,
Maria Catrina T. Abat
4th Year SSC Student
Ilocos Sur National High School

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