Tuesday, August 5, 2014

a new side of a reaction


        A great deal of responses and reactions came last July 28 as it saw President Benigno Simeon Aquino III’s Fifth State of the Nation Address. That ranging from praises upon praises to rejections upon rejections. What I would like to point out though is (excuse me for the lack of better words), “Why bother?” A very vague question but it tackles a direct point of my side which is neutrality. There would always be those people who would stand up and clap their hands in admiration. They are the ones I would call the “satisfied side” for they only seem to see the good points. And there would always be those people who would seek each and every hole and drill you with it. I would call them the “unsatisfied side” for they seem to only see the bad points instead. BUT in my case, I would choose to be on the “open side”, choose to voice out my own thoughts and choose to accept EVERYTHING.

         Many would fall under the “satisfied side” of the reaction like: “……how successful the discussed matters were like the economy, education, public workd and many more.” We could see here glowing reactions, words like “best” and “outstanding” stating how PNOY was able to address ALL major issues affecting our country in his speech. In retrospect, from what he had stated, there are many accomplishments his administration had achieved during his term such as the improving of the education sector and the commencement of several public infrastracture projects, the funds going to the places they are supposed to go, new weaponry and arsenal for soldiers and pollice officers alike and many other more. Showers of achievements are indeed marked on this side of the reaction.

           “He should intend to make ordinary Filipinos feel the effects of the economic growth that his administration is touting”, “It is lacking in substance,” are only a couple of qoutes from different people on the “unsatisfied side” of the reaction. Points like how he failed to addresses the matter about the Freedom of Information. There are many comparisons between the current and the former administration. The jabs between the sinner and sinned are very frequent thus the process of righting the wrong is already something akin to revenge.

            People from the "satisfied side" would berate the "unsatisfied side" as to how PNOY is only a person and that he is hurting from all the bad criticisms he received but then the opposite side would only rebut that as a president, he should have been ready for such reactions in this kind of work. Rebuttals upon rebuttals each side would throw. It is such an endless cycle, like going through circles which brings me back to my earlier question "Why bother?" I am sure a lot of people would beg to differ. Yes, we should bother for it is our lives they are governing. Yes we should bother because the future of our country lies in his very hands.But my point is we shouldn't get worked up with our ideals to the point of disorder. My point is that all these rebuttals are turning us into condescending people in the process.And my point is that we all have different minds and personalities so it's only natural to have varying thoughts. I'm tired of having only the "positive" and the "negative" sides of a reaction so this is my personal insight of President Aquino's State of the Nation Address.

"Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use it, it will be measured to you."

Seeing as I was pointing out different reactions to the SONA to reason my point, to steer clear of any possibily of being accused as a plagiarist, the websites below are my references:




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