Saturday, October 18, 2014

       I once read something in one of the books of Nicholas Sparks that teachers, they inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it. To be different, I would like to fill this entry with something not about the usual gratitude that we all feel for them, not about having to see them as our stepping stones, not about seeing them as our molders or someone to lean on, but someone, someone who is just there, a hero.
       Throughout our younger years, who would break childish fights between us pupils? Who would wait for our parents to take us home from school? Who would see to it that everybody is well and present just upon entering the pristine walls of the school? Who would it be but our dearest teachers?
I've spent my younger years thanking them, apologizing to them and wishing something from them relating all about our education. Intellectually, yes, the chances are nil that we would be half of what we are today without our teachers. Imagine that, not knowing how to read, how to count, basically just not knowing how to survive. But what we are missing is behind all the technicalities, the patience, understanding and care that they shower upon us is just as much as all the lessons we've learned from them. And I can tell that beyond all the stiff and disciplinary methods, lies a heart full of compassion that wants us to be better and to be  stronger individual.

       I would bow to you teachers like the Japanese do, or salute you in terms of military ways, but still I thank you for without you, I wouldn't be half the person as I am today, intellectually and a person as a whole.

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